Looking for an annual marina berth in Hamble? Then maybe we can help.
Are you looking to rent a marina berth in Hamble? Did you know that not all of the marina berths in Hamble are owned by MDL Marinas?
Back in the 1990’s, some of the berths at Hamble Point Marina, Port Hamble Marina and Mercury Yacht Harbour were sold to private individuals under long leases. These individuals are more commonly known as lease berth holders.
The leases on all 3 Hamble marinas are valid until 2034/2035. They allow the owner to berth their boat in their own HM land-registered marina berth. If they don’t wish to use the marina berth themselves, it is included in their lease berth contract that they can sublet the berth.
Since 1990 Triangle has an ongoing relationship with the owners of many of the lease berths in the 3 marinas in Hamble. When a lease berth holder wishes to sell their berth or rent it out, many tend to do so through Triangle Berth Brokers.
What is the advantage of renting a sublet berth in Hamble?
The owner of the Hamble marina berth has certain obligations when they come to sublet their berth.
They cannot charge less than the published MDL marina rates for the rent of the berth. However, as many of the Hamble berths are owned by individuals. The rental cost of the marina berth is not subject to VAT. This means that to rent a berth in Hamble as a sublet rather than through the marina, you can save circa 20%.
Are there any differences in the service I will receive from the Hamble Marinas if I rent through Triangle?
As you will be renting from the berth owner and not the marina group, in addition to your berth, there are a few extra perks to subletting.
Perks include:
- A car parking permit for use at your home marina and a few other MDL marinas.
- 8 weeks storage ashore (subject to availability and local restrictions)
- Unlimited WiFi
- You’ll also become a member of the MDL Otium Rewards scheme and will earn Otium Reward Points every time you buy MDL services. The points can then be converted into savings.
How can I find out whether you have a Hamble Marina berth suitable for my boat?
If you are looking for a marina berth to rent in Hamble, whether at Hamble Point Marina, Port Hamble Marina or Mercury Yacht Harbour. Please get in touch with us.
We can see whether we have a marina berth suitable for your boat. If we don’t have anything now, if you agree, we will keep your details on file and let you know when a suitable berth becomes available.
Why Triangle?
Triangle is Europe’s leading independent berth brokerage. Since 1990 we have specialised in the sale and sublet of marina berths and moorings in the UK and Europe.