How long does it take to buy a marina berth?
You have found the marina berth that you’d like to buy on the Triangle website. Your offer has been accepted, you’ve paid your deposit and are keen to move onto the berth.
However, in some countries, it’s not as simple as signing contracts and handing over the money. We thought it would be a good idea to share some examples from our experience. Triangle has helped thousands of boat owners buy and sell marina berths over the past 30 years.
Buying a marina berth in the UK
If you are buying a marina berth in the UK, the process can be very similar to when you buy a property.
Once your offer has been accepted, Triangle will request a 10% deposit. This will take the berth off sale and initiate the start of the sales process. We will advise you of the steps involved in buying a marina berth, including the instruction of a solicitor.
We suggest that you allow between 6-10 weeks from payment of your deposit. This is the case in the majority of lease berth sales in the UK. This is as some marina berths in the UK are held on Land Registry. Just as when you buy a house, there are specific steps that will need to be followed. Triangle Berth Brokers will be on hand to follow the processes with both the buyer and the seller.
Not all marina berths in the UK are held at Land Registry. If you are buying one of these berths. The process will be shorter as there will be a change of ownership under the berthing license.
Buying a marina berth in Europe
If you are buying a berth in Europe you will be following the marina’s lead on how long the berth will take to buy.
In some cases, you will need to engage the services of a local notary.
Some marinas have to approve changes of ownership at board meetings. These can be held sporadically and may slow the process down.
We have also sold berths where the marina handles all of the paperwork. This tends to be quite a speedy transfer.
If you are trying to tie a marina berth sale to a specific event. For example a house move or the end of an annual mooring contract. Please let us know as soon as possible. Whilst we can never guarantee a completion date, we can communicate your wishes with all parties involved and help to keep the process moving along as quickly as possible.
Triangle Berth Brokers have been selling and renting marina berths in the UK and Europe since 1990. Click here to see our latest marina berths to buy and here to see our latest marina berths to rent.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, please contact us and we will search to help you find your perfect marina berth.