Are you renting a UK Marina berth?
If you renting a UK Marina berth, it may not be too long before your renewal notice hits the doormat.
That’s because the majority of annual contracts at Marinas in the UK run from April 1st – March 31st. It’ll be soon time to decide whether you keep your boat at your current marina or start to look at other options.
This is where Triangle Berth Brokers can help.
We already have some annual berths and sublets available to move on from April 1st. We have limited sublet availability in some of the best Marinas on the South Coast. Taking one of these berths will save you the cost of paying VAT on your annual rental.
If you wish to move to a marina where we have no annual sublets available (not all marinas have them). Then we can help get the latest quotes and availability on berthing for you. We charge you no more than going direct, but we can save you a lot of time. Especially if you are considering more than one marina.
If you are looking at moving your boat abroad, we have annual rentals in marinas across Europe. We also have berths for sale with short leases. So you will save money vs the price of renting for 2 years.
Triangle can help you save time and sometimes money. We offer a one-stop service for checking the rates of marinas and helping you to organise your annual berth for next year.
Our top tip is not to leave it too late. Marina berths can rent out fast, especially in popular areas. If you get in touch and we don’t have anything suitable today. We’ll have your details on file for the moment a berth holder or marina market what it is you are looking for.